Study of an AngularJS application: Feeding Excel based data into an SVG Flowchart with AngularJS and NodeJS
Reference article Implementing a Flowchart with SVG and AngularJS Source code from original article is here . Customization goals a) Feed the SVG flowchart nodes from excel datasheet b) Understand a bit of the AngularJS and NodeJS client-server communication c) Learn javascript debugging on server side as well as client side using VS Code editor As a beginner to AngularJS-NodeJS, the customization is based on a partial study of the original article . Most challenging challenge as a dummy There was a space of time when I thought I was publishing the server side JSON data to the same URL as the front-end html page. And then trying to debug it and not knowing why: in one case the data was coming from the server side only, while in the other case it was coming from mocked data on client side. Kept on looking for whether data was getting lost, or did I need routing. There were debug sessions where both server side and client side individually appear...